Sami AL Quran

“Best Online Quran Academy all over the Globe”

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Master the Quran with Online Quran Teaching Guide 2023

As a Muslim living in the 21st century, you must have realised the benefits of learning the Quran online. Nevertheless, you have to think about what is the best way to learn the quran?

In this article, we will find out the best way to learn the quran online and will also learn how to learn the quran online with tajweed for children and adults.

Quran teaching is an online quran learning platform that offers users different ways to learn about the holy quran and Islam. It includes articles, online courses and interactive tools  that help explain the different concepts of Islam from quran. 

The team in “quran education” is dedicated to providing customers with accurate and reliable information about the holy quran. Our aim is to help students understand the holy book and implement its teachings in their lives. If you are interested in knowing more about the quran and Islam, be sure to check out our featured articles.

Online Quran Teaching For Kids

online quran teaching

Nowadays, many Muslim parents from different countries and cultures try to learn the Quran for kids. They have realised that teaching the Quran to their children is the best investment for them. The Quran is the source of knowledge and the key to succeed in this life and the hereafter.

 When parents think about teaching their children the quran, there are some important questions in mind that we will answer in this article:

  • Why should children learn the quran at a young age?
  • What is the best way to teach children the quran?
  • (step by step) how to teach the Quran to children?

When children learn the quran at such a young age, this knowledge will always remain constant and time will go ahead, because it is far away when the memory of children is strong and the mind is pure. Therefore, the early education of the quran for children means that they will be better muslims.

Moreover at a young age children are more influenced by their parents which makes it easier for parents to attract and guide their children towards learning the quran and its teachings.

Learning the Quran for Children

Learning the quran for children strengthens the relationship between children and their parents in two different ways. First, by learning the qur ‘an, children are given a sense of respect for parents and their importance in Islam. 

The second thing is that the first teacher of the children is their parents’ grandchildren and the children learn from their parents from their elders. When the children see their parents following the instructions of Islam in the light of the quran and Sunna, they learn from what they have learned from the quran.

Learning the quran also brings children closer to Allah (SWT) almighty, helps them understand the better state of Islam, believes that they are raised in the right islamic spirit,As they grew, they continued to learn more about religion.

Not to mention that learning the quran is not less than a great reward for both children and parents. Our beloved prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said.

“The best among you is (Muslim). He who learns the qur ‘an and teaches it.”

           Sahih al-Bukhari (5027)

Reading the quran helps children learn Arabic in a right and fast way. Reading the quran can also open a window into the culture of arabic-speaking countries, and many new insights can be provided to arabic-learning people as a second language.

In the end but not least,Memorising the quran keeps children’s memory good and increases intelligence, their mental abilities grow.Not to mention that Allah almighty has guaranteed and promised many benefits and blessings to memorized his book.

In today’s technical era, online quran learning and teaching has become very popular.

With the increasing demand of online quran classes, many online quran schools have emerged.

Exploring the academy some of the things you’d like to consider.

• Repiutation

Look for islamic madrassas that have good name and fame in the society and have developed successful memorization of the quran in the past and present.

• Qualified Teachers

make sure that the academy has tested teachers who are knowledgeable of quran memorising techniques and can guide you through the process.

• Curriculum

To check the curriculum of the academy to ensure that the quran contains all aspects of hygiene, memorization, memorization, and understanding of the quran.

• Supportive Environment

Look for an academy that provides a supportive environment for your students, with access to additional resources such as study materials, guidance and support groups.


Also take into account the location of the academy, as you may also be required to travel to attend classes. So through the coming paragraph, we will be able to learn about the best online academies for the quran, Arabic and islamic studies.

Online Quran Teaching Academy

The teachers of the qur ‘an have trained us well. They teach students all ages and grades.which help non-native speakers to read and memorize the quran correctly with tajweed they are giving their full support to help students in a simple and easy way۔

• Online Islamic Teachers:

Our islamic studies teachers teach students according to the quran and sunna. which helps students to understand the etiquette of Islam, great morals, quran tafseer, islamic history, belief, jurisprudence, creed etc.

• Special Training For Teachers:

Tutors get special training so that they can deliver their lectures effectively and communicate well with students as we give them opportunities to learn new innovative teaching strategies and teaching tools to support creative working teams and students’ results.

• Advance Teaching Tools:

Tutors are provided with appropriate training regarding e-learning tools so that we can combine a developed curriculum with highly effective educational tools that improves tutor productivity and performance, and also enhance student engagement and learning opportu Tutors develop curriculum using modern pedagogical tools to adapt the curriculum to the needs and abilities of the students so that the course has a good impact on the students.

• Modern Teaching Methods:

We always focus on upgrading our tutor from time to time so that they can bring innovations in lecture. Our tutors work according to best practices, new teaching methods, multimedia games, quizzes, assignments, and presentations so that students can communicate effectively during lecture.

• Certified Tutors:

All our tutors have certificates of quran, Arabic language memorization, and islamiat. Tutors are role models to help students learn. So we prefer to select tutors who are certified, qualified and experienced in teaching online.

• Diploma Holders:

Never stop teaching, it’s a lifetime journey. Not only are our tutors always looking for new things, but they also have diplomats in the quran, tajweed, ejaza, islamiyat, Arabic, tafseer, fiqh, aqda, sirah and hadith who help to improve the quality of their students’ learning.

• Recruitment Process:

We are looking for more best tutors for our academy and that is why we always prefer to recruit good islamic scholars. It is important to ensure good skills and professionalism, because we believe that a student’s success depends entirely on the behaviour of a good teacher.

  • Interviews are conducted by our administrative head to confirm and confirm with candidates that their knowledge, qualifications and skills meet our criteria.

Online Quran Teaching Classes

Online Quran is a wonderful platform of teaching that allows muslims and children from all over the world to read the Quran online with tajweed and be able to read the Quran We welcome all the students who learn the Quran with interest, this program includes noorani qaida, reading the quran (viewer quran), memorization of the quran, translation of the qur ‘an and prayer prayers and six words. 

At the end of a click, you can learn from our qualified, highly trained, dedicated women and men quran teachers. Our quran tutors are present 24/7 to teach the quran online, inshallah you and your children can start learning the quran immediately. Quran is one of the best online quran teaching in the world for online learning.

Online Quran Teaching On Skype

There are experienced teachers in samialquran. who teach quran from a number of islamic courses on skype.They guide the students through systematic planning under some legitimate laws. The following attributes make our quran tutor unusual and more interactive for students of any age.

1- Certified with an Ijazah:

They are certified with the highest degree of perfection reading the quran “ijazah” to teach the quran perfectly online.

2- Well-Educated Tutors:

Our online quran teachers offer great potential to ensure a better environment for students to learn. In addition, they are certified by various islamic institutions for being an active member.

3- Native Arabic Tutors:

Our certified Arabic quran tutor is to make sure they teach the holy quran with a real Arabic accent, to help our students to recite the holy quran correctly in Arabic.

4- Speak English fluently:

We always understand that teachers have to speak English fluently to make the class super interactive and interactive. Moreover they will be able to express their ideas and ideas easily with their students.

5- Male and Female Tutors:

Samialquran has both male and female quran teachers who offer their services at flexible time. Our expert female teachers ensure a safe and easy teaching environment for female students.


What Is Online Quran Teaching

This is an 1 -on-1 live web-based meeting with the telecommunication application that provides Internet voice calls and screen sharing between computers, tablets and mobile devices. It enables students to communicate with real life teachers from any computer with Internet access. By providing human touch to islamic education, we personally guide students to learn quran effectively while providing online learning experience through online interactive technology.

Is Online Quran Teaching Helpful

1 to 1 in our experience online quran teaching is effective, engaging and useful. Attempt your free trial session under no obligation to establish your opinion about its utility.

How Much Are Our Skype Quran Classes Fees?

Samialquran provides a different islamic curriculum so that the parents of any country can pay for their children. Our fee for our online group classes is less than several institutions, but you can check our monthly pricing plan. However, if any other student joins with your reference, you will receive a respectable exemption.

Are The Instructors Qualified?

If you are satisfied with one or two free trial classes, it is time for you or your children to register for online quran education. First, select whether you want to learn in a group or personalised class, and then select a pricing plan. Finally, set your own schedule and start taking skype quran classes.

Do We Offer Online Quran Education On Skype 24/7?

Yes, you can take quran classes directly 24/7 at your convenient time. During the purchase of the package, make sure you have chosen the right class time according to your availability. But you can impose a little restriction in group learning as the teacher sets a suitable time for all students.


Samialquran brings the ultimate platform of online quran classes for children and adults. Teaching goes by hand only if the environment is not appropriate. So we prefer the ease of tutors and students with full time flexibility. 

Students all over the world can reach us at any time, because our team of expert tutors spreads their valuable time online to islamic classes on skype. Furthermore, you can learn different islamic courses by paying small pieces of fees per month. Contact now to get free trials.

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