Sami AL Quran

“Best Online Quran Academy all over the Globe”

Phone: +923445543844 


Why We Charge for Online Quran Teaching?

There can be various reasons why online Quran teaching services are charged. Here are a few possible explanations:

  • Qualified Teachers: Online Quran teaching requires qualified and experienced instructors who are knowledgeable in the field. These teachers invest their time, effort, and expertise into providing quality education. Charging for their services helps compensate them for their skills and dedication.
  • Infrastructure and Resources: Running an online teaching platform involves costs such as maintaining a website, managing technical infrastructure, and providing necessary learning resources. Charging a fee helps cover these expenses and ensures a smooth learning experience for students.
  • Sustainability: Charging for online Quran teaching allows educational platforms to sustain their operations and continue providing quality services. It helps them pay for ongoing expenses, invest in further improvements, and attract and retain qualified teachers.
  • Individual Attention: Online Quran teaching often involves one-on-one or small group sessions to ensure personalized attention and effective learning. Charging for these services helps maintain a balanced teacher-student ratio and ensures that each student receives proper guidance and support.
  • Commitment and Value: When students pay for a service, they are likely to be more committed and dedicated to their learning. Charging a fee emphasizes the importance of the education being provided and encourages students to actively participate and make the most of the learning opportunity.

Beginners Plan

1st Month

  • Monthly Plan
  • 2 Classes/week
  • 1/1 Class
  • 30 minutes Daily
Starting with


1st Month

  • Monthly Plan
  • 3 Classes/week
  • 1/1 Class
  • 30 Minutes daily

Most Poular Plan

Plan B

  • Monthly Plan
  • 4 Classes/week
  • 1/1 Class
  • 30 minutes Daily
Starting with


Plan C

  • Monthly Plan
  • 6 Classes/week
  • 1/1 Class
  • 40 Minutes daily

Professional Plan

Plan B

  • Monthly Plan
  • 5 Classes/week
  • 1/1 Class
  • 50 minutes Daily
Starting with


Plan E

  • Monthly Plan
  • 6 Classes/week
  • 1/1 Class
  • 60 Minutes daily
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